I believe the UK is filled with amazing small to medium enterprises with awesome products and solutions, that simply aren’t being bought by the people who need them. That’s why I left behind a stellar career in digital technology & media sales – over 14 years of leading the sales teams of  typically SV companies like LinkedIn, Yahoo, Aol, Advertising.com & Ask Jeeves (not to mention my pre-digital years at the Daily Telegraph) to get involved.

I now help a broad range of businesses figure out their commercial strategy, scale and professionalise their sales and marketing efforts, and ensure the skills & techniques of their client-facing people are going to help them maximise on their opportunity through coaching, consulting and training.

I’m also spending a disproportionate amount of my time convincing my young son to support the same football team as me, convincing myself that I can still run as far and as fast as I used to be able to, and trying to make the perfect raspberry ripple ice cream.

Commercial Strategy
Digital Media & Technology Sales & Marketing
Sales Techniques & Skills
Ice Cream Making